Thank you for your support
The missionaries, interns, projects and trips supported by Bible Basics Canada rely on your donations. When you direct your support to a project, trip or person, Bible Basics Canada will attempt to use your gift as designated, passing on the entire amount donated. However we reserve the right to direct all donations where they are most needed.
As a small volunteer based organization our expenses our minimal, however they still exist. Support directed to Bible Basics Canada allows us to cover these expenses.
As a member of the Canadian Counsel of Christian Charities (CCCC), we are firmly committed to handling funds with biblical integrity and using gifts as designated. Contributions to Bible Basics Canada are tax-deductible.
At the bottom of this page you can find out more about the missionaries, interns projects, and trips that need your support.
Tax Receipts
To receive a tax receipt, please include a note / comment with your name and your mailing address.
Email Transfer (preferred)
Email Transfers are the preferred method of donation as they have no fees.
Email donations can be sent to
Please include a message indicating the purpose of your donation
Cheques can be sent to:
Bible Basics International of Canada
290 Davis Side Road
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 4S7
Please include a note indicating the purpose of your donation
PayPal or Credit Card
Missionaries and Interns
Ongoing and Upcoming Short Term Mission Trips
Specific Projects that need Support