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Professional and Trade Skills


From time to time BBI Missions or our partners engage in projects requiring specific professional or technical expertise. If you are willing to use your skills and experience to help, please let us know.

We are currently involved with a coffee farm in Honduras. They could use some one with organic farming experience.

We are also investigating the potential for a hostel. God willing, as this opportunity moves forward, we will have a need for people with business experience in the hospitality industry.

These projects provide jobs for local Pastors and their communities. Any income generated is used to support the ministry of local Pastor’s and churches.


We and our partners, organize regular and “as needed” short term trips of 1 to 2 weeks.

There is a medical trip that runs each summer. This trip can use doctors, nurses and other professional medical expertise.

Trade skills are valued on trips organized in support of construction projects. While working on these projects, there is also opportunity to transfer trade skills to the local pastor and communities. This gives them skills to generate an income and support their ministry.


You can use your professional or trade skills as part of an internship.

Interested in Using Your Skills or Experience?